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Profile update

We kindly request that all members maintain an up-to-date membership profile to ensure their membership remains in good standing. This year, there are mandatory fields in your profile, including the 'Release of Liability Agreement.'
Therefore, it's essential to ensure that your profile is current to receive your membership sticker at the welcome desk.

Profile update instructions - Using a web browser

From a web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, etc.)

  1. Login to the Club website at https://pcpickleballclub.wildapricot.org
  2. Click on Log in
  3. Enter your name and password and click on the blue Log in button.

  4. Once logged in, click on your name and then View Profile. (Your profile page displays)
  5. Click on the EDIT PROFILE button.

  6. Review and complete all fields. Make sure to check-on the 'Release of liability agreement' checkbox.
  7. Press the SAVE button at the button once done. 

  8. If a mandatory field has not been populated you will get an error as follows. Go back and complete the information until the SAVE is succesfull.

Profile update instructions - Members app (iPhone - Android)

From your iPhone/iPad (should be similar on Androids)

  1. Open the Wild Apricot Members App
  2. Login if you are not already connected